Swans - Year Two Class
Welcome to the class page for Swans!
Please see the links below for each groups spellings.
Mental Maths
Please click here for the mental maths homework for the Spring Term.
Please click here for the mental maths homework for the Summer term.
PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school for the whole week as there may be additional PE sessions.
PE Home challenge click here
Please ensure you can connect to your child's Seesaw account as messages may be sent by the class teacher and school. Seesaw will also be used in the event of your child needing to access home learning activities.
To visit our Computing page where you will find a list of useful maths and english websites and apps please click here.
Curriculum Links
For the Year Two long term curriculum plan, please click here.
For the Year Two topic web for the 1st half of the spring term, please click here.
To see our Year 2 assessment criteria and the things your child is expected to do by the end of Year 2, please click below
End of Key Stage 1 National Assessment English and Maths
Grammar: Please click here for a parents' guide to Grammar to help you understand the grammatical concepts that your child will be learning from Year 1 to Year 6.
Please click here for a copy of the 'Pupil's Computing Code of Conduct' that your child brought home for you to read with them and sign.
Exciting news! We now have the online PE activity platform up and running. It is called Jasmine , just click on the link to join in the fun!